Stat-ease, a company that sells DOE software and books, has announced a free self-study program (click here for details.) I've used Stat-Ease products for many years and have found that they make design of experiments easy to understand.
This voice-over slide presentation covers foundational statistics (mean, standard deviation, confidence interval, normal plot, F-test), simple comparative experiments, and two-level factorial designs. It is intended as an educational aid for those who, for one reason or another, cannot make it to a live lecture (which is much preferable!). It is comprised of a dozen short videos in MP4 format that cover the first three chapters of the DOE Simplified book above. The DOE Simplified book is required for this program and can be purchased from Stat-Ease, Amazon, or another vendor of your choice.
After completing the 2½ hours or so of video presentations, plus spending off-line time on assignments, students will then be expected to complete the book on their own. Those who have provided evidence of participation by their submission of homework, questions, and the completion of a rudimentary final exam will be issued 1 Continuing Education Unit (CEU). For a limited time this program will be provided selectively, on request, for piloting purposes at no charge. For information or to sign up, please contact Mark Anderson.